Everyday google gets flooded with people looking for quick carpet cleaning tips. This can be because of a misplaced fork leading to spaghetti stains or it can be due to an inebriated accident involving wine. There’s no need to worry. We have you covered with some very innovative carpet cleaning tips. Here are our top 5:

  1. Vacuum regularly to ensure dust and bacteria which feed off dust do not damage the carpet.
  2. Have your carpet cleaned by a professional once every 2-3 years to ensure they stay clean.
  3. Clean stains right away, do not let them seep into the carpet material.
  4. Use bleach and club soda sparingly, long term use will damage and degrade carpet.
  5. It is always best to use baking soda and a wet cloth to remove stains over any chemical stain remover.


Professional carpet cleaning In Vancouver options can seem limited but they are not. AAAmiracle is here to make miracles happen for you!

If you have any other questions, feel free to Reach out to us and well take care of everything for you & for any other cleaning needs or junk removal, reach out to our sister company Cleaning Maid.

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